Key Scripture: Don’t let your beauty consist of outward things like elaborate hairstyles and wearing gold jewelry or fine clothes, but rather what is inside the heart—the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. ~ 1 Peter 3:3-4 (CSB)

I was at a spaghetti feed for a non-profit event recently and I saw a beautiful teenage girl standing with her mother. She was dressed in all the latest fashions, had soft, clear skin, perfect teeth, and thick beautiful curls pulled back from her face. While she would force a smile at the appropriate times, it was clear she would rather be anywhere else in the world than where she was at that moment, and was obviously there completely against her will.

All beauty instantly vanished when her mother asked her to go into the kitchen to see if there was anything they needed help with, and a mixture of shock and disgust exploded onto her face before she could control it. A raised eyebrow from her mother brought a roll of the eyes and a deep sigh of displeasure from the girl as she reluctantly turned toward the kitchen. The mother’s attention focused on a young child needing a napkin, which brought her daughter’s progress toward the kitchen to an antipathetic creep. When she finally did make it into the flurry of activity, she did her best to stay out of the way, and out of the work.

The traffic controller in the kitchen was an elderly woman in her mid to late 70’s. Her silken white hair was pulled back in an obedient bun, but a few rebellious locks had escaped and were playfully flying free as she whisked about the kitchen calmly directing the activity and bringing joy and order to the chaos.

She had some volunteers serving spaghetti, some serving salad, some slicing french bread and others pouring juice, while playful laughter came from a couple of teenagers at the sink rinsing and loading dishes into the dishwasher. The deep creases at the corners of her bright, clear eyes smiled and laughed with the rest of her face, while an enthusiastic calm and control poured out from her and flooded the kitchen such that everyone around her was swimming in the wake of her gentle grace.

A plate was dropped sending glass and spaghetti flying, but before anyone moved she was there comforting the young boy who had dropped the dish with a warm smile and a warmer hug, a swift broom and a quick mop and the mishap was erased from all dimensions.

She was radiant.

While in the corner, revulsion marred the perfectly pretty face of the young girl who was still looking on with a slightly curled lip of disdain she could not hide.

There is nothing more lovely than a soft servant’s heart.

There is nothing more beautiful than the love of Christ in action.

