At the very core of our being… the very root of each and every one of us - is the amazing, glorious truth that we need God. There is an ache in our heart - a desperate desire in our soul that can only be filled by our Divine Beloved. And that truth drives us to our knees.
But, if we do not surrender to this glorious truth… if we do not bend our will to succumb to this embrace, then one of two lies shoot forth…
The first lie is that we DON’T need God. We are just fine. We are good people. We do the right things, go to work, pay our taxes - we even claim to be Christians. But, we don’t really NEED God. We are too smart for that.
The other swing of the pendulum says that we aren’t good enough for God. With all that we’ve said and done… as much pain and suffering as we’ve been through and caused… there is no way God would ever want anything to do with us. We’re way beyond hope.
But Solomon - with all his wisdom… with all his wealth and fame and wives and glory… with all that he had at the end of his life, he realized that it was all a “chasing after the wind”… that all he really needed, was God.
And David… and adulterous murderer - was a man after God’s own heart.
Moses… also a murderer who may have had a speech impediment and whose anger issues not only led him to murder but also caused him to throw down the tablets of the 10 commandments that had been inscribed by the finger of God, and also caused him to strike the rock to bring forth water for the Israelites, (instead of just speaking to it as the Lord commended,) resulting in his not being allowed to cross over into the promised land, was called “the most humble man on earth” and a man of God whom the Lord spoke with face-to-face.
If Solomon the Great needed God, then no matter how great and wise we thing we are, we need Him too.
And if God could love and forgive David and Moses of their sins against Him, then He will forgive ours as well.
Both of these thoughts - that we’re good enough or NOT good enough - have a root of pride. And pride is what drove satan from the throne room of God.
It is in humility that we see ourselves as we truly are. Glorious creations designed by Divinity - frail and fragile without His indwelling Spirit.
We are nothing without Him.
Only with Him can we be all he created us to be.
So we pray…
Abba, thank You for Your Holy Spirit. Please strengthen us with Your strength. Give us Your wisdom, Your grace, Your mercy, Your forgiveness, and Your great love - for ourselves and for others. Please help us to be the beautiful people You created us to be.
In Jesus’ name.