I heard someone say once that their life goal was, “to go to heaven and take everyone in the world with them.” I love that! Maybe because it’s *similar* to my own life goal, which is basically, “to have a deeper relationship with Jesus and to do everything I can to encourage others to do so as well!” To me, that’s what it’s all about. Not just “getting to heaven” but having a deeper relationship with Him.


In my article on the Trinity, I summarized “my relationship with Him” by breaking it down into His 3 aspects, which I’ll share again here:


FATHER ~ Growing up, I didn’t really have a dad. I never met my real father, (he’s passed,) and every other “dad” that came along made many promises and kept very few.  And so “Father God” became my “Abba” – my “Daddy” – my “Father who art in heaven.” He’s always kept His promises. He’s always there when I need Him. And, no matter what, He loves me. He loves me so much that He sent Jesus to die for me, (John 3:16) so I could be with Him forever.


SPIRIT ~ When I was young my mom and I did NOT get along, so the Holy Spirit became my “Mother” of sorts. (Jesus told us God is Spirit (John 4:24) and we (male and female) were made in His image, (Genesis 5:1-2) so I have NO issues with seeing the Holy Spirit as a “Mother” figure.)  The Spirit is the one who counsels me, who comforts me when my heart is broken,  and whose raised eyebrow I can feel from across the room when I’m about to do something I know I’m not supposed to do. The Spirit pulls no punches in telling me when I’ve messed up, but also forgives me immediately when I admit it, and then helps me make it right and/or not do it again.


SON ~ And then, there’s Jesus.  Growing up He was always kind of just an acquaintance of mine.  I knew Him, and He was cool to hang out with sometimes at church, but outside of church we didn’t really talk much.  Until I got older.  Until I got hurt.  Actually, it wasn’t until I decided I was DONE being hurt.  Then I realized that I was supposed to be HIS bride.  He wasn’t just there to hang out with at church, He wanted me by His side. As His… 


I share this because it wasn’t until I really understood, (though, I still don’t think I “really” understand!) how much He loves me, and how His love for me doesn’t change, (no matter what I do or don’t do!) that I started to REST in this understanding. I started to believe that He was Who He said He was… and He was that FOR ME.


This really sank in for me several years ago when I was traveling for work. It was the middle of the night and I couldn’t sleep because I was all alone in a hotel room, in a not-too-great part of town… far from home with no friends or family nearby. There was no one I could call at that hour. There was no one that could come over and hang out or talk with me. 


I was all alone.


And I felt it.


But then I thought, “Wait a minute… what about God?! Are You there, God?? Are you HERE???”


And then suddenly I felt His presence, and I heard Him whisper into my heart, “Yes, My child. I am ALWAYS here. I am always with you… even when you can’t hear me or feel me or sense my presence… I am here. I am with you always. I am. Even to the end of the age. You are NEVER alone.”


That was truly a life-altering realization for me.


So, let me ask you… do YOU realize this?? Do YOU realize that God is only a prayer away?? 




KNOW this…


In the middle of the night, when you can’t sleep… He’s there.


When you’re working on a project and you’re overwhelmed by all you have to do… He’s there.


When you feel like you’re drifting and don’t know what direction you need to take… He’s there.


When you’re faced with seemingly insurmountable odds and you feel like there’s no way out… He’s there.


You just need to turn to Him.


You don’t need to earn His love. 


Just like the thief on the cross, all you need to do is turn to Him. (Luke 23:42-43)


He is there.




To the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)


You are NEVER alone.







John 3:16 ~ For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (NIV)


John 4:24 ~ For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth. (NLT)


Genesis 5:1-2 ~ He created them male and female; when they were created, he blessed them and named them “humankind. (NET)


Luke 23:42-43 ~ Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”  Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”


Matthew 28:20 ~ I am with you always, to the end of the age. (ESV)


