John 8:36 says, “So, if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed!”


But, what does it mean to be independent?


The dictionary tells us it is to be “free from outside control.” Oftentimes we relate this to slavery – which is exactly what this particular passage is referencing…


But what is this really talking about?  What are we slaves to??


Slaves to our sin?

Slaves to our selfish desires?

Slaves to our personal comfort?

Slaves to our habits?

Slaves to each other?


We are slaves to anything that controls us.


To be truly “independent” is to be “free from outside control” – and this is exactly what Jesus does… He sets us free from outside control. Free from the control of external forces.


The ironic thing is we give up being slaves to sin when we give up our lives to Christ.  We willingly become a “slave” (or a bond-servant) to Jesus… so we’ve basically just traded one form of “slavery” to external control, for another one of internal control!


However… in John 15:15 we see the true heart of the Lord revealed.  We see how He really wants our relationship with Him to be. He tells us, “No longer do I call you slaves… but I have called you friends.”


Wow. That just melts my heart! *laughing* What joy!


Jesus doesn’t want us to “serve” Him out of some religious place of prideful obedience. He wants us to be His friend.  Someone who loves Him and would do anything for Him out of that place of deep relationship… deep companionship…  deep devotion.


Jesus wants me to give up my independence to be in dependence on Him.


Ahhhh…. may this be my heart.




In Him.




