KEY SCRIPTURE: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. ~ John 10:10 (ESV)


I know this isn’t the “documented” origin of the word, but I find it very interesting that we rarely call it “television” anymore, but just TV.  Is it perhaps that some people caught on to this play on words and didn’t want to admit we were allowing a box to “tell a vision” to us… so now we just call it the TV and don’t think another thing about it?

When I was young, our parents called it the “boob tube” because they said the more we watched it the less intelligent (and the more like boobs!) we became. Later, people who watched too much TV were referred to as, “vidiots,” and with the introduction of the internet, video games, and streaming video, this term was used even more as it was also used to include those who spent too much time online.

Now, please don’t get me wrong - I am NOT against technology. Obviously, I use it every day! (And I do love good documentaries, nature shows, and especially old westerns!🤠) However, I do think we have to be aware (beware!) of the potential danger technology presents.

For example, when I turn on the TV and nearly every station seems to be saying the same thing… over and over and over and over again… I get a little suspicious. It seems like they really, REALLY want me to BELIEVE what they’re saying.

Even… if it’s not true.

Saying something over and over and over and over again, doesn’t make it true. It just keeps washing the same message over our brains…

(Hmmmmmmm…. 🤔)

After a very short period of time with the tell-a-vision on, I feel like my entire being - body, mind, and spirit - is just being submerged in toxic waste.

I’m not saying we should squeeze our eyes shut, plug our ears and start singing, “la la la la la la la!” as loud as we can so we can’t hear. I am saying we need to remember, NONE of what’s going on in the world right now is news to God. He’s not pacing His throne room, wringing His hands saying, “Oh GREAT! I didn’t see THIS coming! NOW what am I gonna do??!” No… He knows not only EVERYTHING that’s going on, (not just what WE are being told,) but also what is going to happen in the future. And, more importantly… He’s GOT it. It may seem completely out of OUR control, but it’s NEVER out of His control.

The “enemy” - the father of lies (John 8:44) who only comes to kill and steal and destroy, (John 10:10) will use anything at his disposal, (even seemingly innocent, inanimate objects like our TV, computers, radios, or smartphones,) to lie and kill and steal and destroy.

So, if we are to be “wise as serpents” (Matthew 10:16) (which I believe means understanding how the snakes of this world think,) then we must ask ourselves, what is being stolen? How much time? What visions are we being told that are killing our peace and our joy? What visions are we allowing to fill our minds and our hearts, for “out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks”? (Luke 6:45)

And then, we need to ask ourselves a couple MORE questions…

What is God’s vision? His Word is incredibly rich and deep and profound. The more we read it, the more He speaks to us through it, and the more we begin to see and hear more of His visions.

Lastly, what vision has God given you? This can be a little more tricky, because it requires hearing from Him… which requires a relationship with Him… which requires time spent with Him.

Quiet time.


To hear what He has to say.


And, FOR you.

My prayer is that we would all come out of the toxic waste… at least a little bit. Take some time away from the radio, computer, smartphone, and TV and allow our Heavenly Father to tell-a-vision to our hearts and souls and minds and spirits. Allow His visions to pour over us, washing us clean of the yuck of this world, and soothing our souls like a cool, healing balm.


HIS visions.

Visions of love.

Visions of truth.

Visions of joy.

Visions of peace.

In Him.




John 10:10 ~ The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. (ESV)

John 8:44 ~ When he lies, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar and the father of lies and half-truths. (AMP)

Matthew 10:16 ~ I am sending you out like sheep surrounded by wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. (NET)

Luke 6:45 ~ The good person out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil person out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart. (NASB)


